Our top Panthera articles to help you with your estate planning

 09 January 2023
Our top Panthera articles to help you with your estate planning

It's been a busy year here at Panthera Estate Planning, with major announcements, mini budgets and statements galore! We've compiled a list of the top 12 articles as read by you, our clients, and those interested in estate planning. Enjoy!

1. Keeping control after your death: Trusts and your Will


Our top article, from December 2021, heralded in a year with a major deadline for registering Trusts. Its predecessor, "Registering a Trust: new rules on their way" was the third most popular article on our list.

The deadline to register was moved from March 2022 to 1 September 2022 which did allow a little more wriggle time, as our article "Trust registration: the deadline approaches" explained.

If by any chance you missed all this, and have Trusts that need to be registered, call us as soon as possible.



2. Trusting in education: helping out with future school fees


The value of a good education is undeniable, but like everything else at the moment, the costs of private school fees is rising. .

As our #2 article explains:

"Putting a child/children through the private school, system is a long-term commitment. Parents will spend a very substantial amount of money each and every year until the last child reaches the age of 18 ... If you wish to help the next generations attend a private school, you can start to help now, when they are still little."


4. Inheritance tax: who pays most and how to plan so your heirs pay as little as possible



IHT kicks in for estates worth over £325,000, so the value of homes here on the south coast has long pushed many otherwise modest estates over the threshold. As this informative summary articles explains, "IHT of 40% could be applied on the value of your estate over £325,000."

The subject of IHT is also addressed in:



6. Intergenerational wealth transfer: securing your family’s financial future


Intergenerational wealth transfer is the passage of wealth from one family generation to the next. These provisions will ensure that whatever wealth and assets you leave behind will be passed to the next generation, including your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, step-children, and any other extended family members you want to include.





8. What happens to your home when you die?


How do you own your home? Are you a sole owner, have joint ownership or are you tenants in common with a partner or spouse? As this article explains:

"Many people are completely unaware of exactly how their property is currently owned and the devastating effect the wrong type of ownership can have on those they care about after their demise."



The best of the rest

We aim to cover a wide range of areas around the core topic of estate planning in our twice-monthly articles. The final four in our estate planning dozen explore more niche topics:

  1. Holding onto your inheritance: post-nups for the over 50s


  1. Long-term care in 2022: what the government has got planned


  1. Writing or Updating a Will UPDATED June 2022


  1. Ageing Europe - the stats


Want advice on estate planning in person?

Contact us to talk through your estate planning requirements - we are here to help.

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At each stage of the process, Paul Hammond - the Directory of Panthera, explained in simple understandable language what was going to happen and if there would be any complications. None happened, I am sure, because of his eye for detail.

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